Hi everybody! just a few words early in the morning from the office, by the way the Internet connection is a bit crappy at this moment. These past days I was a little lazy, I don’t write since last Thursday. Some people tells about they sometimes run out of ideas to blog, I can’t imagine that, I always have ideas! but sometimes I tend to procrastinate… This last weekend I did a lot of typical weekend things and I didn’t touch any electronic device except for my iPod.
I was afraid of find some spammy comments on the blog but fortunately Akismet worked perfectly. Today I found that Alexia rank has improved to 578.447 and for first time I see an small graph in the Alexia toolbar for Binary Ant:
My Spanish blog ranks 296.942 but doesn’t have graph.
Another thing. The contest for the 300 Entrecard credits is over. KushMoney is the winner (300EC) and Michael Aulia is in second place (150EC). I’ll give them the prizes later, I’m a bit busy at work so it is time to end writing this post. I’m thankful to all the participants.